בפגישה עם שר הבריאות @YuliEdelstein סיכמנו כעת כי תקציב סל התרופות השנה לתרופות מצילות חיים, יעמוד על סך 550 מיליון ש״ח. גידול של 50 מיליון ש״ח ביחס לתקציב השנה שעברה, וזאת למרות ההתמודדות עם האתגרים התקציביים. נעשה הכל כדי לסייע ולהציל חיים.
— ישראל כ”ץ Israel Katz (@Israel_katz) December 29, 2020
"Increasing the budget is very important," said Edelstein. "Despite the high budgets that have been invested in the Health System in the last few months, when I took up this position, I promised that every shekel that was invested in coronavirus would remain in the health system following the coronavirus."
"This is very important news for the Israeli public and the health system," said Katz. "It is our obligation to make a budget that favors the life-saving medicines and treatments that are needed by many citizens."Some 900 drugs and technologies were presented to the committee for consideration in January, reaching a total sum of about NIS three billion.