Yuli Edelstein

Yuli Edelstein is a senior lawmaker in the Likud Party.

 MK Gadi Eisenkot attends a Defense and Foreign Affairs Committee meeting on ultra-Orthodox draft

Knesset Foreign Affairs Committee resumes haredi draft debates

Knesset Home Committee approves fast tracking extension of reservists age cut off.

Knesset faces controversy over IDF reservist age extension amid haredi draft debate

Israel's Knesset accelerates a bill to extend IDF reservist age limits amid controversy and legal challenges over Haredi conscription exemptions and fairness concerns.

Knesset set to begin haredi draft bill debates Tuesday, clashes over rabbinical appointments

MKs Sa'ada and Gotliv made headlines again on Monday after they announced that they would vote against a second controversial bill, known as the "Rabbi's Bill."

Edelstein to 'Post': ‘If Israel doesn’t respond, Iran will think it can attack every week’

“I don't think that we can pretend that nothing really happened because we managed to defend ourselves," Yuli Edelstein said.

Halevi: Israel will respond to Iran’s missile attack

International community urges restraint as war cabinet debates action

 Benjamin Netanyahu and Yuli Edelstein seen at the Knesset on November 4, 2021

Israeli Likud lawmaker appears to call on party to replace Netanyahu

Edelstein is one of the Likud members who is considered a possible successor to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and his comment seemed to be a call on the party to choose a new leader.

 MK Sharren Haskel, co-chair of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus, speak at the caucus anniversary

Christian leader: Rally for Israel in streets, stop political correctness

The Knesset Christian Allies Caucus celebrates its 20th-anniversary at an event in the Knesset

Coalition will not accept concessions for Israel-Saudi peace, lawmakers warn

The co-chairs of the Land of Israel Caucus expressed optimism over the diplomatic progress made with Saudi Arabia, but warned Israel will not cede its rights.

Russian-born oligarch calls for new liberal coalition to 'protect Israel'

Nevzlin has owned a 20% stake in Haaretz and is the father-in-law of Likud MK Yuli Edelstein.

Oslo Accords: Israel's failures and lessons learned, 30 years later

No peace prospect between Israelis and Palestinians is currently on the table, but much will depend on how political uncertainty in the Palestinian arena plays out.

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