Israel increases foreign workers quota for construction industry
In 2020, there was a drastic decrease in the number of construction projects to about 30,000 housing units compared to about 60,000 starts in 2019.
By JERUSALEM POST STAFFView of the construction site of 'Mechir Lamishtaken' at Armon Hanatziv neighborhood in Jerusalem on January 28, 2019.(photo credit: HADAS PARUSH/FLASH90)
The Housing, Finance and Labor ministries recently increased the quota of foreign workers permitted in the construction industry.Eldad Nitzan, chairman of the Foreign Workers’ Manpower Corporations in the Construction Industry at the Chamber of Commerce, welcomed the initiative.Nitzan had warned that if the rate of projects does not rise to 60,000 a year depending on demand and population size, in a year to two years, demand will increase and the country would return to the state of rising prices it saw in 2008.In 2020, there was a drastic decrease in the number of construction projects to about 30,000 housing units compared to about 60,000 starts in 2019. The decrease was due to a shortage of foreign workers in the industry.