New chairman of Settlement Division prays at Temple Mount

Merling visited the holy site with other Likud activists who came to express their gratitude about the results of the World Zionist Organization elections.

Yishay Merling visits the Temple Mount. (photo credit: HAIM KROIZER/JOINT HEADQUARTERS OF TEMPLE MOUNT ORGANIZATIONS)
Yishay Merling visits the Temple Mount.
Yishai Merling, who was recently elected chairman of the Settlement Division, visited the Temple Mount on Tuesday to express his gratitude for winning the position at the World Zionist Congress and to pray for his success, according to the Joint Headquarters of Temple Mount Organizations.
Merling visited the holy site with other Likud activists who came to express their gratitude about the results of the World Zionist Organization elections.
The chairman of the joint headquarters gave Merling and Likud activists a tour of the Mount before they prayed Minchah (the afternoon service). Merling was impressed by the positive treatment they received from the police and by the calm atmosphere on the Temple Mount.
Merling's visit to the Temple Mount is said to be the fulfillment of a promise that he made to himself at the outset of his run for chairperson of the Settlement Division. This is his first visit to the Temple Mount.