Shalva-Saucony team continues preparation for New York Marathon

The 260 team members will dedicate their run to the people of Israel, the triumph of spirit, and strengthening unity, togetherness, and acceptance of others.

 The Shalva-Saucony team for the 2024 New York Marathon (photo credit: AVISHAI BDOLACH)
The Shalva-Saucony team for the 2024 New York Marathon
(photo credit: AVISHAI BDOLACH)

The Shalva-Saucony team for the 2024 New York Marathon consists of 260 runners and is the first and only team from Israel to participate in the world’s most prestigious marathon race.

After postponing its participation in the November 2023 New York Marathon due to the events of October 7 ensuing war, with all 120 runners remaining in Israel, a larger team of 260 members is planned to participate this year. This makes it one of the largest non-US teams in the marathon.

As part of the team’s intensive preparations, which include four running workouts per week combined with strength training and often swimming and/or cycling, there are joint running sessions that transform the runners into a team with one goal – to successfully complete the New York Marathon for the benefit of Shalva’s children.

Personal challenges

Last Friday, a team meeting took place at the Tel Aviv Port. At 6 a.m., team members gathered at the Saucony store, the main sponsor of the team, and ran 15 kilometers together. The impressive sight of a yellow swarm, the chosen training uniform for the year with the symbol of the hostages’ release printed on it, to raise awareness and dedicate the training to their return, was unmistakable in Yarkon Park and the Tel Aviv Port.

The team will be led by Saar Buchbinder, an autistic spectrum runner and Special Olympics champion in the 5,000 and 10,000 meters. Other notable members include Hila Korach, a Channel 13 news anchor, Assaf Gil, Deputy CEO of Bank Yahav, Amos Pam, the brand manager for Finish in Europe and Australia, and Tzachi Iron, co-CEO of Psagot Equity.

 RUNNERS PARTICIPATE in the International Bible Marathon, in Samaria, in 2019. Judea and Samaria is the historic heartland of the Jewish people’s ancestral homeland, and Jews have lived there continuously for millennia, the writer asserts.  (credit: HILLEL MAEIR/FLASH90)
RUNNERS PARTICIPATE in the International Bible Marathon, in Samaria, in 2019. Judea and Samaria is the historic heartland of the Jewish people’s ancestral homeland, and Jews have lived there continuously for millennia, the writer asserts. (credit: HILLEL MAEIR/FLASH90)

The Shalva-Saucony team began its journey in 2022 and made history when, for the first time, an Israeli team of 65 runners participated in the full marathon (42.2 km) for Shalva’s children, with each runner raising funds for the children and their families. In 2023, the number almost doubled, and 120 runners formed the team, which, as mentioned, did not participate due to the war.

At Shalva, they believe that every person, at any age, deserves the opportunity to realize their potential and achieve full equality of opportunity. Now, the 260 team members will dedicate their run to the people of Israel, the triumph of spirit, and strengthening unity, togetherness, and acceptance of others, so that Shalva’s children and their families can conquer their personal marathons and daily challenges.