The week in readers' pictures

Jerusalem Post readers send us their best shots of the week.

 (photo credit: NOA BERGWERK)
(photo credit: NOA BERGWERK)
 Send photos of what you saw or did this week to with your name and where the picture was taken. Feel free to add additional related info about the photo and/or suggest a caption.
I SEE YOUR TRUE COLORS: This artist in Karmiel has a lot on her palette – which is apparently why she needs such a big palette. (Mickael Laustriat)
DON’T LET THE SUN GO DOWN ON ME: Following in the footsteps of Joshua more than 32 centuries ago, this strategically positioned plank in Jerusalem is proving effective in halting the sun’s descent. (Ruth Schueler)
TINY DANCER: This graceful hoofer is on track – literally – to a brilliant career if she can train enough (without getting hit by one). (Shira N. Lieber)
UNLIKE THE hapless Minnow from Gilligan’s Island, tour boats in Acre have all returned to their port of departure on schedule – so far. (Cost: NIS 15 per passenger) (Karen Feldman)

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BEEN THROUGH THE DESERT: Whether or not you are riding on a horse with no name, you might want to remember to bring water with you when you explore the parched earth at Timna. (Noa Bergwerk)