3 lightly hurt from Kassam attack

Rocket knocks out high-tension wire; Islamic Jihad claims responsibility.

kassam trauma 224.88 (photo credit: AP)
kassam trauma 224.88
(photo credit: AP)
Three people were lightly wounded and at least seven others reported in shock after a barrage of five Kassam rockets hit the western Negev on Wednesday evening. Another rocket fired approximately an hour later brought the day's total rocket hits to nine. Three rockets landed within the Sderot city limits. Two people were lightly wounded by shrapnel and had to be evacuated by Magen David Adom paramedics to Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon. Several others were reportedly in shock. Two homes and a synagogue in Sderot sustained damage, Israel Radio reported. Two more rockets fell near Kibbutz Nir Am. No one was wounded, but the impact knocked out a high-tension wire, leaving the area in darkness. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for four of the five rockets fired. Earlier Wednesday, three Kassam rockets hit southern Israel. Two landed in Sderot and one exploded south of Ashkelon. No one was wounded and no damaged caused by the attacks. Meanwhile, the IAF destroyed two rocket launchers in the northern Gaza Strip on Wednesday. On Tuesday, former Palestinian Authority foreign minister Mahmoud Zahar of Hamas said that if Israel didn't attack Gaza, Palestinians wouldn't fire any rockets at Israel. Zahar made his statement in an interview to the London-based pan-Arabic daily Asharq alawsat.