Amona activists to face serious charges

Police commander: "Without helmets we would have suffered fatalities."

yisrael yitschak298 (photo credit: Channel 2)
yisrael yitschak298
(photo credit: Channel 2)
Away from the brutal scenes of violent clashes between police and right-wing protesters, the legal battle between the two sides took an unprecedented turn on Thursday, as police proved that they were taking the events at Amona very seriously. Protesters who were captured on film throwing cement blocks at soldiers and policemen during the violent evacuation of the illegal Amona outpost on Wednesday will be charged with attempted murder, the police announced. According to Channel 2 news, police videos were being analyzed by a special team of officers assigned with identifying those who had used thrown objects and used physical violence against the police and soldiers. Judea and Samaria Commander, Yisrael Yitzhak, said that if the police had arrived at Amona without helmets and other protective gear, "we would have suffered fatalities. "When soldiers or police patrol Palestinian neighborhoods and are assaulted with cement blocks, the order is to shoot the attacker," said Yitzhak. A police officer was seriously wounded during the Amona clashes after being hit in the head with a cement block, while at least 219 people were also wounded. MK Aryeh Eldad broke his arm and MK Efi Eitam was taken to hospital in Jerusalem after sustaining a cut to the head.