Award goes to 'Post' news editor

Certificate of Merit to Jerusalem Post news editor Amir Mizroch.

The B'nai B'rith World Center-Jerusalem, announced Monday that Jerusalem Post news editor Amir Mizroch will be awarded a certificate of merit in recognition of an internet blog he ran while on assignment to the US to cover the UJC Assembly in Los Angeles in November 2006. His blog "Reporters on the job: From the GA", was his first encounter with organized American Jewry. The award committee found that Mizroch utilized the new blog genre in an insightful and entertaining manner that generated considerable reader response. Born in Israel in 1975 to immigrants from the Former Soviet Union, Mizroch was raised in South Africa in a small Afrikaner town. After making aliya in 2000 and meeting his IDF requirement, Mizroch joined The Jerusalem Post as an Internet update editor in 2002. The following year he was promoted to managing editor of and in 2005 to news editor of The Jerusalem Post. Avner Hofstein, West Coast correspondent for Yedioth Ahronoth, has been named winner of B'nai B'rith's award for Journalism in memory of Wolf and Hilda Matsdorf for 2007 in recognition of a two-part series on two obscure Jewish communities in Brazil: a handful of Jews of Moroccan descent who cling to their religion in the far reaches of the Amazons as well as on descendants of the Marranos - Jews who fled to the remote northeast province of Brazil 500 years ago - some of whom are now seeking a way back to mainstream Judaism. Veteran journalist Yeshayahu Ben Porat will be the recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award. Since its establishment in 1993, the B'nai B'rith World Center Award for Journalism has recognized excellence in reporting on contemporary Diaspora Jewish communities and on the state of Israel-Diaspora relations today in the Israeli print and electronic media.