Letter highlights gay parade tensions

Unknown group threatens to rape 10 religious girls for every marcher harmed.

MK Moshe Gafni Kn 298 (photo credit: Knesset)
MK Moshe Gafni Kn 298
(photo credit: Knesset)
Several haredi MKs received a letter on Wednesday threatening to rape girls in the haredi community if any marchers in the upcoming Gay Pride Parade were harmed. "For every marcher you hurt, 10 religious girls will be raped," the letter said. "We swear to take revenge on you with the full gravity of the law. You have been warned." The letter was signed by an unknown group claiming to be associated with the gay community. United Torah Judaism (UTJ) MK Moshe Gafni submitted a complaint to the Knesset Guard. Gafni told The Jerusalem Post that the letter had been sent from Tel Aviv and was obviously from "people who have no consideration." He added that the threats were "on an inferior level, from a moral standpoint." Gafni said the Knesset Guard had passed the letter on to police, who were investigating the incident, and expressed hope that the authorities would "find [the people who sent this] and bring them to justice." The parade, due to take place in Jerusalem on Friday, has been a source of violent controversy in recent weeks between the haredi community and the event's organizers, Jerusalem's Open House. Open House director Noa Sattath, meanwhile, expressed shock over the incident and condemned the letter in the strongest terms. "When an event is in the headlines for so long, people latch onto it" and use it for their own ends, she told the Post, calling the event "very serious." "We call on all sides to act in a … respectable manner, and not to be drawn [to commit] extremist actions," she said.