Even religious women don't think twice about breast-feeding their babies in public places.
By GREER FAY CASHMANimahot 88 180 (photo credit: Courtesy)
THE CAESAR hotel chain is investing NIS 21 million in a change of image and brand name to Caesar Premier Israel. Major renovations on Caesar hotels in Eilat, Jerusalem and Tiberius will include expansion of public areas, opening of new restaurants, additional suites and mini-suites, improved spa facilities and the creation of a new Web site. Caesar Premier Israel CEO Avi Ela says the company is negotiating in Israel and abroad for the acquisition of additional hotels.
TAGWOMAN HAS transferred its public relations account from the office of Arad Communications to Zevik Dror Public Relations and Marketing, which specializes in promoting fashion brand names. Among the firm's other accounts are Mango, Puma, Gibor-Sabrina, Jump, Tom Ford, Women Only and some 50 others. The firm maintains a trends and lifestyles department to keep its finger firmly on the pulse of new developments.
PUBLIC RELATIONS mavens Charley Levine and Eyal Arad have won the PR tender for one of the main events for Israel Independence Day. Levine, who was in Brazil when notification of the result came through, was informed via SMS. Ah, the wonders of modern technology.
CARMEL CARPETS is anticipating orders in the range of $12m. as an outcome of its participation in Domotex, the Hanover-based floor-covering fair in Germany. Carmel Carpets invested €100,000 in its display area, which was named one of three most impressive displays at the fair. According to Carmel Carpets CEO Aviad Peery, contracts for $2m. worth of orders were signed at the fair, and judging by the nature of the interest expressed, there are strong indications of further orders to the tune of $12m.
SOMETIMES A marketing campaign becomes superfluous when a delivery truck can do the job. One of the trucks belonging to Naaman, Jerusalem's veteran baker of cakes and cookies, is regularly parked on the sidewalk in front of Beit Hanassi so that the driver can make convenient deliveries. The message comes across loud and clear: If it's good enough for Beit Hanassi, it's good enough for anyone else.
OLD-FASHIONED soap has become a revived trend. You can see soap shops in almost every shopping mall, and even if you don't see them at first glance, you'll find them if you follow your nose, because part of their appeal is their fragrance. Another is their packaging - very feminine and romantic. The only problem is that these specialty soaps have now become a favorite gift item, as a result of which many women have enough fancy-packed, sweet-smelling soap to last them for two or three years. Avi Piatok, one of the owners of Sabon Shel Pa'am (soap of yesteryear), has announced the opening of a flagship store in Canada, where old-fashioned soaps are the rage. Piatok envisages that by 2010, there will be 50 Sabon shops in Canada and the United States selling soap and other body-pampering products.
EVEN RELIGIOUS women don't think twice about breast-feeding their babies in public places these days. Those who are somewhat more modest than the rest will take a diaper or a shawl to cover the baby's head while he or she is suckling, but most women figure that the baby's head is bigger than their breast anyway, so there's no reason to be coy. By the same token, there's no reason to be uncomfortable by having to hoist up a sweater or unbutton a blouse because baby is hungry. Designer Yifat Levi has come up with some easy styles for mothers who breast-feed their offspring. The garments are produced under the Imahot label. Only the appropriate section of the garment is opened is opened it feeding time. It's almost like a flap, and makes the whole procedure much easier.
KIDS GENERALLY like chocolate, but they like it even better when it comes in cute packaging. Elite, a member of the Strauss Group, has obliged by offering chocolate and candy packs in chick packaging that is guaranteed to catch the junior eye.