MKs too busy for home front war report

Out of 15 State Control C'tee members, only committee head Orlev attends.

Home front 298.88 (photo credit: Ariel Jerozolimski)
Home front 298.88
(photo credit: Ariel Jerozolimski)
Only one out of 15 MKs on the State Control Committee attended a Tuesday morning discussion on the state comptroller's report on the management of the home front during the Second Lebanon War. Head of the committee, MK Zevulun Orlev, stood alone facing several representatives from the State Comptroller's Office, Public Security Ministry, IDF and several others who were invited to the discussion. The rest of the MKs decided to spend the Knesset recess period tending to other affairs. Orlev, who has initiated several meetings to discuss the report's findings during the recess period, said: "I told State Comptroller Micha Lindenstrauss about the absence and we feel very uncomfortable about it. I intend to approach the committee members in order for them to participate in the upcoming discussions." Orlev announced once again that if the government does not implement the report's conclusions, he will push for the initiation of a state commission of inquiry. The State Control Committee was authorized to set up such a committee following the comptroller's special report on the home front. Although the coalition has a majority in the committee, Labor MK Shelly Yacimovich announced that she would support the initiation of a state commission of inquiry and would oppose her replacement with another coalition MK. During the morning's discussion, Lidenstrauss said the criterion of the report was implementation. He added that the Comptroller's Office together with the State Control Committee must see that those who are criticized were implementing the report's recommendations. Public Security Minister Avi Dichter said that resources should be invested in order to make sure the "home front did not turn into the war front."