Netanyahu: Iran like 1938 Germany

"Iran's goals are global - but we are the first target."

netanyahu 298 88 aj (photo credit: Ariel Jerozolimski [file])
netanyahu 298 88 aj
(photo credit: Ariel Jerozolimski [file])
Likud Party Chairman Binyamin Netanyahu warned delegates attending the United Jewish Communities' General Assembly (UJC-GA) at the Los Angeles Convention Center on Monday that Iran today resembled Germany in 1938.
  • special: GA 2006 Jerusalem Online brings you the GA click here Speaking to Army Radio on Tuesday, Netanyahu said Israel must do everything in order to block the threat from Iran. "Iran is Germany," said Netanyahu, "that is arming itself with atomic bombs and declaring it will destroy the Jewish State." Netanyahu listed a number of options at Israel's disposal as a means of combating the Iranian nuclear threat. "We must do everything to ensure that [US President] Bush holds to his promises to prevent a [nuclear] armed Iran, but we must also prepare Israel for defending itself should the need arise. "Israel has the capability, but if we wait years it will no longer exist," said the opposition leader. "Iran's goals are global," he continued, "and we are the first target. Every month that passes Iran comes closer to its goal - be it through the development of a nuclear weapon or the development of the means [to use them]. In addition, Netanyahu suggested that Israel should file a complaint with the International Court of Justice in the Hague against Iranian President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad, "for his plans to commit genocide." "I will give the Prime Minister full support. We must come together and build a 'Manhattan Project' to guarantee that Iran doesn't arm itself with nuclear weapons." Netanyahu claimed the international community was taking Ahamdinejad's threats too lightly