Report: Sufficient proof to investigate Hirchson

The State Attorney's Office decided Thursday that there was a basis for investigating Finance Minister Abraham Hirchson on charges of failure to report a crime, Channel 10 reported. Police have been looking into allegations that Hirchson turned a blind eye to financial crimes while he was head of the National Labor Federation in Eretz-Israel (NLF) starting in 1997. Ovadia Cohen, former head of Nili - an organization that operated educational institutions under the umbrella of the federation - allegedly embezzled approximately NIS 5.5 million from the organization. Cohen allegedly informed Hirchson of his crime, and Hirchson fired him, but did not report the offense. According to the Channel 10 report, the State Attorney's Office decided not to sign an agreement with Cohen to use him as a state witness since police had sufficient evidence to charge Hirchson even without Cohen's cooperation.