Star Catcher

Astrology for the week of December 7, 2012

galaxy NGC 7090 370 (photo credit: NASA/Reuters)
galaxy NGC 7090 370
(photo credit: NASA/Reuters)
SAGITTARIUS (FIRE) NOVEMBER 22 – DECEMBER 21 You have been inundated with information lately and now is the time to do what is best for you! For far too long you have put your needs on hold while taking care of business, tying off loose ends and covering for someone who isn’t carrying his weight. Enough!
HINT: Pay attention to how you spend money over the next few weeks. You will have a great opportunity to do something extraordinary for someone you care about if you have enough cash put aside.
CAPRICORN (EARTH) DECEMBER 22 – JANUARY 19 This is the perfect week for taking stock of what you need to do, how much time you have and how much energy it is going to take. If you are very careful and pace yourself you will be amazed at just how much you can accomplish in a very short time.
Professionally you continue to grow and, although you continue working very hard, you are happy at the end of the day.
HINT: By the middle portion of this week your thoughts turn to past successes and failures. Remember, no regrets!
AQUARIUS (AIR) JANUARY 20 – FEBRUARY 18 Things are finally falling into place professionally and you are more than a little surprised at just how quickly the days are speeding by. You spend so many weeks pondering over the pros and cons of your decision and now you can sit back and enjoy knowing that you did the right thing.
Financially you continue to keep a close eye on your expenses and although you don’t have a lot left over at the end of the month, you are covering your bills and enjoying yourself socially—a win-win situation.
HINT: A problem from the past is quickly disappearing and you can start looking towards a brighter future.
PISCES (WATER) FEBRUARY 19 – MARCH 20 By the middle portion of this week you will feel a shift in your thoughts as you begin to plan your next career move.
Even though you don’t have as many options as you might like, you do have choices and the time to think things out clearly before making your move. Your relationship with an elderly member of your family has not always been smooth but it is lasting and strong. Try to be a bit more patient.

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HINT: Financially you are doing the best you can to help your family, pay your bills and still put something aside for yourself. One day you will put your own needs first.
ARIES (FIRE) MARCH 21 – APRIL 19 Always a professional, you never are satisfied with anything less than perfect work. This week, however, if you wish to meet your deadline, you are going to have to readjust your schedule and perhaps even reach out to a colleague you trust for help. You continue to have moments where you feel stuck in a rut but this is definitely not the time for making any bold and rash moves.
HINT: When speaking to your partner and/or mate express your appreciation for their caring, understanding and insight.
TAURUS (EARTH) APRIL 20-MAY 20 There are moments during the day when you would rather be anywhere but sitting behind your desk doing the work you do.
Unfortunately, you have neither the time nor money to take off and visit foreign shores. Instead of aggravating yourself, take a good, long, hard look at all you have managed to accomplish and pat yourself on the back. Your social life could use some sprucing up, and when the time is right you will make a few changes in this area as well.
HINT: When in doubt, trust your gut feelings.
GEMINI (AIR) MAY 21 – JUNE 21 You have been juggling so many balls for so long that you have forgotten what it is like to seriously relax and enjoy yourself.
This is a good week for walking away and recharging your batteries. If not, you may push yourself too far and your health may suffer. Your thoughts turn to your partner and/or mate, and now is the time for working together in harmony.
All will progress smoothly once each person knows exactly what is expended of him.
HINT: Monday and Tuesday will find you busy taking care of things at home.
CANCER (WATER) JUNE 22 – JULY 22 This is a perfect week for clearing the air between yourself and your partner and/or mate. For far too long you have kept things bottled up inside and now is the time for a serious conversation. Don’t let your insecurity prevent you from standing up for yourself. You are a lot stronger than you know and besides, you know you are right. Your thoughts turn towards your job and during the coming weeks you will find a pocket of time to work on a special projects which will bring you great satisfaction.
HINT: Money will not be so much a problem once you cut back on presents and gifts.
LEO (FIRE) JULY 23 – AUGUST 22 The time has come for you to get moving and finish working on a creative project which has been gathering dust on your shelf for months. You know you have a something special there but can’t seem to find enough blocks of spare time to get down to serious work.
This is the week! Although your home is where you spend most of your time, you do enjoy going out and socializing with old friends.
Make an effort—you won’t be sorry! HINT: Your relationship with a Sagittarius is not nearly as cozy as you might like, but it is honest and long-lasting.
VIRGO (EARTH) AUGUST 23 – SEPTEMBER 22 You have been so busy dealing with family issues that you have lost your sense of perspective.
Take the time to discuss your feelings with a water sign. This person may not be as quick as you are at pulling up facts and figures, but they do have a terrific grasp as what is missing and what is needed. All you have to do is listen and accept what you hear. This is a good week for taking care of things at home—clearing out cupboards, replacing broken appliances and dealing with that pile of paperwork in the corner.
HINT: The first few days of this week are good for dealing with finances.
LIBRA (AIR) SEPTEMBER 23 – OCTOBER 23 Your concerns about finances are about to take a turn for the better as things finally are falling into place.
You have been brave for so long and it is time you were able to sit back a bit and enjoy the fruits of your labors. Your relationship with a fire sign leaves a great deal to be desired and the best thing you can do is pick yourself up and walk away. You have taken enough abuse from this person and this is the last straw. On the other hand, your relationship with a water sign is healing, soothing and supportive.
HINT: Change your address— change your luck!
SCORPIO (WATER) OCTOBER 24 – NOVEMBER 21 Your mind has been running overtime and there were nights when you found it difficult to fall asleep. That is all about to change as you have made up your mind and are ready to take on the next stage. The first thing that needs dealing with is money and finances. Once those are straightened up it will be relatively clear sailing until you achieve your goals. This is the week for starting a new course or for taking on some new responsibilities.
HINT: The people closest to you are amazed and encouraged by your strength and determination.
TIP FOR THE WEEK: Time to stop thinking and start acting!