How to always pick the sweetest and most ripe grapes at the supermarket

Avoiding mistakes with storage and selection ensures the best flavor and health benefits from these juicy treats.

  (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

Small or large, round or elliptical, green, red, or purple – grapes come in a variety of types and flavors. Their delightful blend of crispness, sweet juiciness, and gentle acidity makes them nature's ideal snack.

Beyond their culinary appeal, grapes pack a punch of antioxidants, vitamins, and dietary fiber, offering a host of health benefits. As summer lingers, there's no better time to savor this bounty and learn from Avi Payne, the owner of "Payne Farm," about making the right grape choices.

Grapes are well-known for their health benefits. They boost cognitive abilities, enhance memory in the elderly, and aid in clearing the walls of blood vessels, facilitating efficient food transport and waste elimination. Enriched with vitamins such as C and B, minerals like magnesium and calcium, and dietary fiber for digestive health, grapes are a nutritious choice.

Distinguishing between green grapes (like "Rocky" and SBS) and red grapes (such as Flame Seedless, Red Globe, and Crimson Seedless) involves differences in taste, texture, and nutritional value. Red grapes tend to have a sweeter, more intense flavor with hints of berries and even slight sourness. In contrast, green grapes offer a milder taste with refreshing qualities.

Red grapes' thicker, tannic skins contain anthocyanins, contributing to their color and offering potent antioxidants. Resveratrol in red grapes is linked to heart health. Green grapes, while providing antioxidants and vitamin C, have slightly lower levels of specific phytonutrients.

A vine of grapes (credit: INGIMAGE)
A vine of grapes (credit: INGIMAGE)

So, how do you choose the best grapes?

1. Opt for round, wrinkle-free grapes with attached stems. Even fallen grapes are still good to eat.

2. Assess color. Sweet green grapes have a yellowish hue, while red, purple, or black grapes should display a deep, rich color.

3. Select ripe grapes. Antioxidant content peaks when fruits are fully ripe.

4. Store grapes in the fridge. Refrigeration preserves freshness, taste, and crispness. Loosely wrap them in a paper towel and place them in a box.

5. Separate large clusters with scissors, avoiding tearing the grapes from the vine. This maintains freshness and prevents the vine from drying out.

"Fine Farm" provides fresh, directly-from-the-farmer produce in an expansive industrial hangar. With branches in Hatz Shafiim and Givat Ada, it ensures premium agricultural offerings to consumers.