Letters to the Editor March 17, 2021: Kosovo is kool

Readers of The Jerusalem Post have their say.

Letters (photo credit: PIXABAY)
(photo credit: PIXABAY)
 Kosovo is kool
Jerusalem has been the capital of the Jewish nation for 3,000 years – far longer than almost every other capital of any other nation in the world – and it has never been the capital of any other people. Obviously every country should have their embassy in Jerusalem, not Tel Aviv or anywhere else, making the Kosovo news so trivial that it would barely merit a mention.
Yet as of today only a few countries – the US, Guatemala, the Czech Republic and Kosovo – have the self-respect and courage to deny the lies, defy the delegitimizers, acknowledge and act on the truth. Fortunately, this number is growing.
We don’t need others to validate our bond with our holy capital city, but it is nice when they do. Accordingly, I salute, praise and warmly welcome Kosovo to my home and capital – Yerushalayim shel zahav.
Like Jerusalem, Pristina, the capital of Kosovo, is an ancient city blending the old and the new with spectacular views, museums and numerous must-see tourist highlights. When COVID has run its course, tourism is likely to flow in both directions between these venerable capitals of two friendly nations.
Unless you are a fan of the cold, though, plan to visit Pristina in the summer.
Kosovo, thank you for setting a fine example for the rest of the EU by locating your embassy in Jerusalem.
Lifestyle guile
Whereas the first part of Lawrence Becker’s letter regarding Nitzan Horowitz and the ICJ is reasonable (“Unleash the ICC on Israel,” Letters, March 15), one gains the impression the ad hominem attacks on Horowitz’s lifestyle show the true source of his ire.
The selectivity of this attack is very interesting. The Bible uses the word “abomination” to describe a variety of acts, from eating a BLT sandwich, usury, creating civil strife, breaking agreements, cheating and oppressing the poor. I wonder when the religious community will oppose these last five items (lol). 
Furthermore, the same “Book of Books” permits genocide, selling one’s daughter as a sex-slave, and the killing of sons who eat too much food. So clearly a good source of morality for the 58th century. 
Given that almost every week another prominent religious person is literally caught with his pants down, that child abuse (of both sexes) is endemic and enabled in the religious community, and that both Shas and UTJ are in favor of prostitution, it is laughable that Becker promotes his lifestyle as the basis for a just society. 
No excuse for abuse
Regarding the editorial “Preventing abuse” (March 15), I found your observations spot on, although your recommendations are rather thin.
Those quasi-judicial self-appointed tribunals established by trade associations, professional societies, sporting organizations and religious bodies – other than when they are exercising their internal disciplinary functions that do not offend the judicial system – have a moral and legal duty to refer matters that may constitute criminal offenses to the relevant authorities. Failing to do so could amount to interfering with or perverting the course of justice, to which they would have to answer.
The responsibility for making children aware of their “body parts” in days bygone this was left to the parents. Clearly this is no longer apposite, particularly where the parents themselves have had no such experience. It falls on our education system to provide this missing link – which should be mandatory in public, private and religious places of education with financial penalties for failure
It is rather sad to find public awards are being announced in inappropriate cases. In a small country like ours that prides itself on high levels of intelligence and information, it appears that proper and full enquiries are not considered necessary or potential awardees are entitled to the “blind eye.” Perhaps the awarding committees need to be more invested with capable people, loving of truth and hating injustice.
Follow the leader?
In “How will things look the day after Netanyahu?” (March 21), Herb Keinon quotes Netanyahu’s analogy of Israel to a plane. Netanyahu rhetorically asks, “Who are you going to let fly the plane? The guy that’s experienced, who’s got proven results?” His implication is that there is no one else but him that can fly the Israel “plane.”
This brings to mind the words of the late Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, of blessed memory, “A good leader creates followers. A great leader creates leaders.” 
A “plane” with 9.3 million people should not be dependent on just one pilot to fly it. Netanyahu, in his 15 years in office, had the opportunity to train many future leaders, including his current opponents Sa’ar and Bennett, but he irresponsibly neglected to do so.
Doesn’t Israel need and deserve a great leader rather than a good leader?
Who is a true new Jew?
I agree with Rabbi Sholom Gold (“The remnant who survived,” Letters, March 15). Our enemies do not determine “Who is a Jew?” 
Yet, the Law of Return does grant automatic Israeli citizenship to anyone who has at least one Jewish grandparent, anyone married to a Jew, and anyone who is the child of a Jew. And that is as it should be. No one suffering persecution for his/her connection to Judaism should hesitate to come to Israel because that would mean leaving loved ones behind and in danger.
Nevertheless, it is in Israel’s interest, as the nation-state of the Jews, to have a Jewish-majority population. That means that non-Jews who become Israeli citizens under the Law of Return should be offered classes on Judaism. Teaching Introduction to Judaism classes should be a way for young Israelis to perform National Service. Olim should be informed of the possibility of converting under the supervision of the state rabbinate, the IDF rabbinate, the Masorti rabbinate, or the Reform rabbinate. 
And in the best of all possible worlds, converts should be able to live without the fear that their conversions might be annulled because their degree of religious observance is ruled “not strict enough.”
Atlanta, GA
Michael Hirsch (Letters, March 10) writes that the answer to “Who is a Jew?” should be that if “an individual would have been deemed eligible to be tossed into a gas chamber by the Nazis, then he/she is a Jew.”
I am sorry, but I am not willing to let the Nazis decide for Israel who should be considered a Jew.
Barghouti: No cutie
Regarding “The upcoming Palestinian elections” (March 14), the question is: Are they for real? 
Time after time we see articles in the newspapers about possible candidates for the presidency of the non-existent “State of Palestine.” One of the candidates always mentioned is the convicted and imprisoned murderer Marwan Barghouti. How is this even possible? Is he going to lead from his prison cell? Or is the delusion so inculcated that his supporters think that Israel is going to pardon a criminal serving five life sentences for his role planning deadly terror attacks against civilians in the Second Intifada? 
That very thought proves that this populace is not capable or ready to create a viable and responsible state.
Petah Tikva
Diminished Markle sparkle
To me, Meghan Markle’s behavior is similar to that of cult leaders who separate their ”victims” from their family, friends, culture and heritage and get their allegiance by saying that they alone understand and love them.
Would a racist monarchy have given Markle such a wonderful wedding with a preacher and black choir? Her mother was treated with honor and welcomed by the Queen as family. Prince Charles walked her down the aisle.
To dishonor your husband’s family publicly has nothing to do with culture but shows very bad manners and bad taste. 
As an ex-pat all I want to say is: God save our gracious Queen!
Petah Tikva
Amotz Asa-El praises Britain for all that the small island has bestowed on the world, from the mother of parliaments alongside a universal language and a judicial system widely copied among its many accomplishments, in punching well beyond its weight. (“In praise of Britain,” March 12).
However, his assumption that “without the crown Britain would be like a lighthouse without a lamp” is debatable. The dysfunctional house of Windsor has done its best in recent times to run aground and will no doubt sink further once the dutiful Queen Elizabeth is no longer part of the scene.
The royal motto “Never complain, never explain” has succumbed to the vagaries of modern life, caught between those wishing to modernize the institution and those attempting at all cost to maintain a them-and-us tradition.
Should a referendum be held in gauging the public’s opinion on the monarchy’s future, it would no doubt be a close-run event with a multitude of naysayers emanating from the younger generation who find the excessive privilege that is bestowed on the few to be out of sync in today’s society.
The revelations revealed in Oprah Winfrey’s recent interview with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex is further proof that this royal soap opera is perfect fodder for prime time viewing but does very little to endear the watching masses, by washing ones dirty laundry in public.
Tel Aviv
Please won’t you be my neighbor?
When I came toward the end of the article “Getting a win-win for Israelis and Palestinians” (March 15) by Robert Wexler, I began to hear heavenly harp music and the sweet voices of angels. 
Wexler writes, “MEPPA [the Middle East Patnership for Peace plan] offers the ideal way to capture the new regional spirit to elevate aspirations for a just, sustainable and lasting peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians.” He goes on to describe how MEPPA will bring about harmonious economic developments, the cultivation of trust between the two sides and with the Europeans, and finally how everyone will live happily ever after. I thought the Messiah had come and the new world order had begun. Any wonder I heard heavenly music? 
Wexler needs to come down from the clouds. The Palestinians have one goal only – to kill the Jews, get rid of every last one of us here and establish an Arab Muslim state in all of what is left of the Palestine area, i.e. Israel – sans Jews. They have no intention of making peace with Israel, as that would then close the tap that pours euros, dollars and Arab money into their pockets. They would no longer have refugee status. They would have to become politically serious, considerate and bear the burden of building a nation that cares for its people. They would have to stop rewarding killers of Jews. They would have to alter their textbooks and stop demonizing the Jewish people. They would have to accept that Jews can rule over Muslims. 
Look as far beyond the horizon as you can and you will not find any of the above anywhere.
Rishon Lezion
Ills and pills
Regarding “Aspirin may help prevent corona infection” (March 12), a number of reports have been previously published concerning reduced incidence of autism in the offspring of mothers who consumed antipyretics (against fever) during pregnancies in previous Corona-related epidemics. 
Now there are several ongoing studies to determine if the same is true with COVID-19. 
Why are we awardin’ Jordan?
Why can’t Israel avoid more crises with Jordan?” (March 13) reads like a New York Times or AP story: no mention of King Abdullah’s ethnic cleansing of Jews from Judea and Samaria from 1922 to 1947 and cleansing east Jerusalem of Jews from 1948 to 1967 and systematic destruction of Jewish synagogues and holy sites in the Old City; no mention of Abdullah’s settlement of Egyptians, Saudis and Syrians in a disputed area in violation of the Geneva convention, etc. 
What approaches have the Jordanians made to Israel to rectify these criminal acts? What have they done to merit any favorable treatment by Israel? Didn’t Israel help Jordan deal with the PLO in the 1970s? Has Jordan offered citizenship to any of the squatters they illegally invited to settle in Yehudah and Shomron? 
Natick, MA
Craving Crave’s mistaken bacon
Regarding “Crave can’t save their bacon as rabbinate says word isn’t kosher” (March 16), Jerusalem Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar has outlawed the inclusion of the word “bacon” in the Crave restaurant menu in the Mahaneh Yehuda market even though the term used in the menu is “lamb bacon.” 
Apparently “bacon” means any meat that has been cured and smoked in a specific way. However, there will be no kashrut certificate for the Crave restaurant unless they replace “bacon” by facon or lacon or zircon. 
So aside from kitchen and food kashrut supervisors we now have the rabbis serving as word police. Where does it end? In order to be awarded the prized kashrut certificate, will the male waiters be forced to wear kippas (skull caps) ? Will the female waitresses be forced to cover their hair and shoulders as well ? Will the owners have to promise not to drive on the Sabbath ? 
The anti-bacon pathetic attempt at thought and word control is a great turn off. The next time I’m at the Crave restaurant I’ll ask for my usual BLT (bacon lettuce and tomato sandwich ) with a wink and hope that a furious kashrut supervisor won’t throw me out for blasphemy.