Autism parenting magazine: One-stop resource for children on the spectrum

  (photo credit: Autism Mag)
(photo credit: Autism Mag)

Having a child with autism is one of the biggest challenges parents could face. Many parents caring for these children can rightly be described as selfless, persevering, resourceful and ever-eager for knowledge. And for this devoted group of people, nothing can be more ideal than being able to find professional resources and seek answers on how best to cope and manage their daily lives—all under one roof. Here, parents can find reports on the latest medical practices and medicines, behaviour management, or tips on how to inculcate daily self-care habits. 

Autism Parenting Magazine (APM) was founded on that premise and offers the most current information and interventions to help parents make the most informed decisions for their children to become independent and live meaningful lives.

Autism Parenting Magazine has been well received since its inception in 2012 and is widely acclaimed by the community it serves, as winning a slew of awards attest to—among them, the Top 40 Autism website, Healthline Best Autism Blogs, and Mom’s Choice Award

The magazine publishes autism-related topics such as events, treatments and inspiring real-life success stories. Exciting contributions from hundred of contributors, including respected experts, professionals and coaches, are published monthly to help to keep parents updated on the latest therapeutic and treatment options. 

The awards are a reflection of what the APM's community thinks of the quality of content provided in the magazine, for parents caring for children on the spectrum will devour every bit of information and willingly try every intervention method in their unending quest to give them the best life possible. The editorial team at APM also writes extensively about how parents plan interactive and fun activities with their children.

Unlike many other brain-related injuries, people afflicted with autism display a wide and varying degree of symptoms across a broad spectrum. High-functioning individuals with ADHD typically have perfectly normal physical features and those with Asperger's syndrome may even display heightened mental capacities. 

But while they possess the faculty of speech and learning, they have a tendency to miss the nuances in their interaction with others and sometimes act awkwardly in a social setting. On the other end of the spectrum, a low-functioning individual with autism may be physically and mentally disabled, or they may possess all the physical attributes but lack speech. In most cases, social behaviour is common problem parents have to deal with on a daily basis. 

APM recognises the unique needs of families and individuals dealing with autism. Hence, it is more than an online magazine that publishes helpful content but also serves as a resource centre for its subscribers and is a great platform for outreach. The public can also access APM via Facebook, Linkedin, or Instagram

The scope of autism-related content is diverse and APM's editorial team works closely with its panel of regular contributors to come up with relevant topics that its readers find useful in dealing with the daily challenges they face—from bullying at school and handling teenage issues to transitioning to adulthood and financial planning for the future. These articles have helped many understand how to navigate special education, deal with sensory issues, manage behavioural problems, develop social skills and more. For example, what represents a simple skill for a normal child to learn, like eating with a fork and knife, would constitute a breakthrough for a child with autism. 

Credit: Autism Mag
Credit: Autism Mag

A parent would have to break down the process into little steps and patiently go through these steps repeatedly until the child can learn by rote. It's why every little breakthrough is celebrated for a child on the spectrum. And the same goes for other skills most people take for granted, like potty training. 

It takes time and is hard even for a normal child, but for children with autism, it's even harder because there are multiple issues to consider. APM's potty training guide helps identify some important factors to consider before deciding whether or not the child is ready for toilet training. 

The magazine regularly includes articles on autism health, safety, sleep, ABA therapy, stimming, social stories, sensory processing issues, stress, innovative products and newly published books. APM also provides a special Q & A section where families can have their most pressing questions answered by its team of experts and professionals providing them with the latest guidance and a long list of promising solutions to handle life’s everyday challenges. 

For more information, visit

Undoubtedly, just reading about treatments and interventions is only part of the solution. It’s important that parents get to interact and consult with qualified professionals on the issues they face. It’s why APM created Autism Parenting Summit to help readers along their parenting journey. 

Its recent summit was well attended and boasted a panel of expert speakers covering topics ranging from behaviour solutions, speech & communication, social skills, sensory solutions, transition to adulthood, picky eating, executive functions & motor skills, education, dealing with transitions, mental health & anxiety, self-care for parents. 

It would be fair to surmise that Autism Parenting Magazine's wealth of pertinent information and support programmes have proven to be a source of hope for many desperate parents on the verge of a meltdown. 

Only a parent caring for a child with autism would understand the challenges—from the cost of consultation for speech therapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, and a host of experts that form the support network to finding a school with a special needs programme, moving homes to be near the school, or dealing with social behaviour problems—and appreciate APM's role in making their lives more bearable. 

Knowing that parents are getting the right information and help is what continues to drive APM and its team. Their goal is simply to heighten the understanding of autism and consequently, to support and celebrate the achievements of families in its community.

About the Publication

Founded by Mark Blakey, Autism Parenting Magazine Ltd. is the leading publication for parents of autistic children with an international following. The online magazine has expanded into virtual summits and courses for parents struggling with special needs children. Daily, the people at Autism Parenting Magazine inspire and entertain its global audience through its social media posts. By providing informative content and autism resources, its goal is to improve the quality of life of families affected by autism.

This article was written in cooperation with Maria Williams