Kelsey Kaplan on Leveraging Social Media to Build Your Personal Brand

 (photo credit: KELSEY KAPLAN)
(photo credit: KELSEY KAPLAN)

In today's world, most digital brands and businesses are focused on clicks, likes, and creating a positive user experience on their social channels. They work tirelessly to increase online exposure and sales through the use of social media. But what happens when the face behind a brand is an individual rather than a company?

Individuals building a personal brand online have to take a different approach to grow their social media presence. One of the most effective ways is through building personal relationships with their audience. Research shows most consumers make a buying decision based on information they get from people they know and trust.

Kelsey Kaplan, a fashion industry expert and renowned digital marketer based in the heart of San Francisco, has first-hand knowledge on the matter.

Kaplan is the mind behind the Kelsey Kaplan Fashion brand and blog. Born with a passion for fashion, Kaplan worked hard over the years to establish a brand that has become easily recognizable.

As Kaplan explains, the purpose of her work and her blog is to “provide a destination where fashion enthusiasts can find daily style tips and advice, as well as useful life hacks.” She also uses her social media presence as an avenue for brands to showcase their goods and services through paid advertising.

With an Instagram audience of approximately 82,000 followers, she has learned a few pearls of wisdom along the way. Here are her tips on how to leverage social media to build your personal brand.

Engage with Other Users

Kaplan says she places importance on keeping a cohesive image and engaging with social media users. Kaplan regularly engages with other accounts with similar followings by commenting and liking photos, or partnering up for social media giveaways.

"The idea behind likes, comments, and giveaways is that the people I'm interacting with will be curious about me, look through my profile, and then click the follow button," Kaplan explains. "Asking questions is a great way to encourage people to talk about your brand and therefore increase its visibility. 

Create Engaging Content

“It’s not enough to only engage with perspective and potential followers, you need to engage with your loyal followers as well,” says Kaplan, “There’s no better way to do so than creating captivating content.” Kaplan posts on both her Instagram feed and stories. She says she speaks directly to her followers, asks them questions, and has them interact with her page. “Be sure to use every tool available to you. I see more reciprocal engagement when I switch up the type of content that I post daily,” she says.

Be Unique and Memorable

“In order to create a recognizable brand, one must give people something to remember them by, and being an authentic voice definitely helps,” says Kaplan

"Brands and retailers hire me to promote their goods and services through product placement or advertisements on my social media channels and blog," she explains.

"They choose me over other influencers because they desire my colorful imagery and creative 'storytelling'," she adds. "That's what makes me stand out from the rest. Also, I only promote products and services that I truly believe in, and as a result, my paid posts appear as natural and organic as possible!"

Ensure Consistency in Your Brand Image and Voice

Kaplan believes the best way to develop a unique and memorable brand is by ensuring consistency across all social media channels. “When people want to learn more about you they will search for you on different social media channels. You need to make sure your work is consistent. That way your personal brand will be well received regardless where it is discovered. For example, I make sure that all my content includes vibrant imagery and highlights the latest fashion trends. That is what makes my brand memorable and ‘me’,” she says.

Provide Value to Your Followers

Social media is an excellent channel for advertising. But, using it solely to advertise a brand can have a negative effect, says Kelsey Kaplan. For example, she says spamming followers with promotional content and ads will result in a slew of unfollows. To successfully grow a brand, Kelsey stresses the importance of providing value to your audience.

“I like offering my followers something in return for supporting me. You can host giveaways or contests to give your supporters a chance to win an item they desire but would never purchase themselves. Or, reach out directly and ask them what you can do to help them out. Giving away some of your time, your advice, your undivided attention really helps nurture your connections. It will pay off in the end,” Kelsey says.

Those interested in seeing Kelsey's advice and work in action can visit her Instagram page and her blog, Kelsey Kaplan Fashion.