Local people, unfamiliar with the presence of such a predator, tracked and killed the hyena in response to the livestock loss.
Scientists believe the small crab boarded the research vessel from a plastic bag lifted from the seabed during the coral sampling expedition.
Synchronized urination may reinforce social bonds and improve group cohesion among chimps, according to new research.
18 golden eagles found in Burial 6 represent months in Teotihuacán's 365-day calendar.
The giant sea bug was found on sale at Vietnamese markets, remaining undocumented until now.
Introducing the wrong species risks hybridization or competition, endangering Triton and Sulphur-crested Cockatoos.
How a dedicated team in Northern Israel is transforming the future of wildlife rehabilitation through innovation, public engagement, and a vision for a better tomorrow.
Midbarium is called an experiential animal park because one of its main goals is to allow visitors to experience animals’ movements and behaviors.
Ten new species, including nine animals and one plant, have been listed as "staring extinction in the face," according to the UK-based international conservation group.
Wild elephant population increase by 7-8% annually in the country, leading to deadly human-elephant conflicts.