
2,200 evacuees stranded in a remote area, urgently seek assistance

The state's decision to relocate 2,200 evacuees from Gaza to a remote area in the Middle Arava leaves them stranded and in urgent need of help for basic necessities.

Israelis unite during wartime after months of political divisiveness

Tel Aviv University and Ben-Gurion University report reveals that Israelis volunteered and donated extensively at higher rates than ever before.

Hanukkah gift campaign for displaced children from South kicks off

It has been reported that in Jerusalem and Nazareth, some Christian children are fearful that the war may prevent Santa Claus from arriving this year.

Crowdfunding campaign launched to support orphaned toddler whose mother was killed during October 7

The campaign aims to provide financial security for the toddler, whose mother was killed by Hamas terrorists, and whose father was kidnapped to Gaza the same day.

With young adults off to war, Israeli teens are stepping up in their communities

It’s all part of an abrupt and notable shift in a country that uniquely refers to school-aged teens as being in “the stupid age.”


Mobilizing for evacuated children in North and South

Ofer Malls in cooperation with the Tzomet Sfarim network collects books and toys for children and teens who were evacuated from their homes in the Gaza envelope, southern and northern Israel.


FIDF raises unprecedented $60 million in support of IDF soldiers - EXCLUSIVE

This announcement follows the catastrophic event which is labeled as "the most horrific attack in Israel’s 75-year history" orchestrated by the Hamas terrorist organization. 


A country in trauma: OneFamily’s experts explain how to break the cycle of fear

OneFamily, has been offering social, financial, and emotional assistance to all victims of terror for over twenty years.

MasterCard employees volunteer to create direct aid platform

The volunteer-driven initiative enables direct donations to survivors of the October 7 pogrom.

Jewish donors must insist universities are safe for Jewish students - editorial

For far too long, universities have enjoyed the beneficence of Jewish donors while doing little to ensure that Jewish students experience academic environments free of hate and intimidation.

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