Using high-resolution models and the Piz Daint supercomputer, researchers identified anomalies beneath oceans and continental interiors.
NASA is set to track a sizable near-Earth object, asteroid 2024 XN1, which is expected to pass relatively close to Earth on December 24.
Campanella participated in "The Final Experiment," an expedition conceived by Will Duffy, a pastor from Colorado, aiming to end the long-standing disputes about the shape of the planet.
Dark comets resemble asteroids but speed up unexpectedly, suggesting they may fire jets of gas like comets.
A new study renews focus on the role of Jupiter-family comets in Earth's water history.
Water extraction caused an average annual drift of Earth's rotational pole by 4.63 cm, totaling 80 cm in less than two decades.
The smallish asteroid is expected to come back next year, and then take its leave for 30 more years.
Researchers discovered a 3.26-billion-year-old asteroid impact acted as 'giant fertilizer bomb,' aiding early microbial life.
Study “presents the first physical evidence that Snowball Earth reached the heart of continents at the equator” says lead author Liam Courtney-Davies.
On 12 November 2014, after a 10-year journey, the European Space Agency's Rosetta mission's lander Philae made space exploration history.