Kataib Hezbollah

US issues sanctions targeting group in Iraq it says is behind recent attacks

The US Treasury Department in a statement on Friday said it imposed sanctions on six people affiliated with Kata’ib Hezbollah.


Iraqi Kataib Hezbollah threatens escalation if Blinken visits Baghdad

A senior leader of Kataib Hezbollah warned that Blinken, who they referred to as "son of a Jew," was not welcome in Iraq.


Iran-backed militia threatens UAE, Kuwait in response to Israel-Hamas war

Iran-backed militias in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen have upped their threats against the US and Israel amid the ongoing war.


Reports of airstrikes in Syria at sensitive time for Iran axis - analysis

Iran wants to create instability and a power vacuum in eastern Syria and then to fill the vacuum

Israeli Jewish woman remains kidnapped in Iraq as Iraqi PM at UNGA

Elizabeth Tsurkov was kidnapped six months ago in Baghdad.

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