
47% can't afford dental care: Israeli financial security down in 2023

Paamonim CEO Zvika Goldberg called for a national plan to be implemented to address Israeli's financial conduct.


Gazan support for a two-state-solution doubled since December

The data also showed a clear drop in support for armed resistance as the best means of achieving a Palestinian State from its peak in December. 

Almost half of South Africans believe Hamas rape to be 'propaganda'

The study found that 40% of South Africans believe reports of Hamas rape to be merely propaganda, and that 6% believe Israelis are responsible for what Hamas did to them.

 Protest in Haifa calling for elections to be held immediately, January 27, 2024

50% of right-wing Israelis believe early elections should be called - poll

The poll found strong support for the establishment of a state commission of inquiry to examine the October 7 massacre.

42% of Americans believe Israel went 'too far' with Gaza response - poll

Most Americans disapprove of US President Joe Biden's handling of the war between Israel and Hamas.

Moldova: 14% polled 'really don't like' Jews - survey

A significant amount of Moldovans dislike and have negative sentiments toward Jews and believe that they are manipulative and dishonest.

Gantz continues to strengthen, Smotrich fails to reach Knesset - poll

In the question of suitability for the role of prime minister, around 50% thought Benny Gantz was most suited to the role.

Israelis reject authoritarianism, support representative democracy in latest poll

Despite the fall, Israelis are still heavily in favor of representative democracy and largely reject all other forms of government according to the data.

Children who are exposed to loud noise via earbuds and headphones can endanger their hearing

Among parents whose children use headphones and earbuds, half of them say that their kid/s spend at least an hour a day using audio devices.

Israel Politics: Polls remain steady, leaving Smotrich out of Knesset

The poll shows that this week there were slight deviations of one seat among some of the parties, but no change between the blocs.

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