Weizmann Institute of Science

14 Days: New Embassy

Israeli news highlights from the past two weeks.


Avoiding detection: How cancers evolve to escape immune system responses

In a study by the Weizmann Institute of Science, researchers pulled out a previously unknown mechanism that allows cancer cells to slip by immune system defenses.

50 Influential Jews: The Protest Leaders - No. 4

Prof. Shikma Bressler, Eynat Guez, and Eyal Naveh are championing the fight against judicial reform.

Israeli scientists grow human embryo models from stem cells

Breakthrough could promote new research directions on early pregnancy failure, birth defects, infertility and the production of replacement tissues and organs.

Israeli scientists find forgotten immune strategy to fight viruses - study

Different species have a forgotten innate protein that has the ability to fight off viruses, according to a study by the Weizmann Institute of Science.

Where do Israeli universities rank among the world's elite schools?

Haifa's Technion was ranked 4th among European technological universities.

Male, female brain cells react differently to stress - Israeli study

The findings could lead to a better understanding of health conditions affected by chronic stress including anxiety, depression, and even obesity and diabetes.

Overlooked 'nuclear spin' is more important for life than we thought - study

Understanding and controlling spin could have a big impact on how living things work and might also help improve medical imaging and create new ways to treat illnesses.

Two-thirds of Israeli universities drop in global academic rankings

Institutions of higher learning in the West are being overshadowed by those in China, which is investing huge sums in teaching and research.

Israel and the UAE join forces to accelerate AI innovation in Abu Dhabi

MoU between MBZUAI, OurCrowd Arabia outlines initiatives to create a dynamic AI ecosystem, attract global AI companies and provide job opportunities for graduates.

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