United Nations General Assembly

Honoring Gandhi: International Day of Nonviolence highlights peaceful approaches in global conflict

75 years after his assassination, Gandhi's birthday is marked around the world as a reminder of the power of nonviolence


Incorporating middle powers would pave the way for progress - opinion

Middle powers deserve to have a seat at the UN Security Council.


Israeli tech company honored in New York for peace-focused AI

Project Didi, founded in 2022, uses data approach to conflict resolution • confirms Harvard 'ripeness theory' using study of Northern Ireland • looks to apply tech to Israeli conflicts in the future

Israel threatened to launch nuclear war on Iran - UN envoy

During his UNGA speech, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asserted that “Iran must face a credible nuclear threat,” a statement the PMO later retracted.

Russia: US hypocritical on Ukraine war, double standard for Israel

Lavrov compared the Golan Heights and Ukraine's wartorn Donbas in suggesting that the US does not respect legal sovereignty of UN member states.


Netanyahu: My UN speech was broadcast in Saudi Arabia

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu added that he had also met with 20 heads of state who sought to strengthen their ties with Israel. 

Saudis: Peace must include Palestinian state, east Jerusalem as capital

Saudi FM spoke at the United Nations General Assembly on Saturday.

Hamas calls to boycott Israel after Netanyahu's 'new Middle East' speech

Six or seven Muslim nations will join Saudi Arabia in making peace with Israel, they are expected to come from both Africa and Asia.

Netanyahu under fire for using Greater Land of Israel map at UN

Netanyahu used the map to illustrate a new era of peace in the Middle East that would include the Palestinians, but critics say he sent the opposite message.

Netanyahu's address to UNGA must be embraced by all Israelis - comment

From warrior to statesman: Netanyahu's words resonated not just with the international audience but were a clarion call to his fellow Israelis to rally behind his vision.

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