weight loss

weight loss

Weight loss drug Wegovy may help with heart function - study

A recent study found that Wegovy not only helps with weight loss, but also reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

The menopause diaries, part 3: Meno belly

Before then, I had no idea there was even such a thing – I just thought my unsightly paunch was something that went hand in hand with getting older. 

Intermittent fasting diet? Turns out it may cause more harm than good

There is a huge variety of diets - but have you heard of the "intermittent fasting" diet? It turns out that this current trend is causing more harm than good. Dr. Maya Rosrman explains.


Weight loss injection craze: The pros, cons of Ozempic, Wegovy

Israel's Health Ministry wary of using Ozempic for weight loss, despite its success in diabetes patients. But efficacy outweighs risks, prompting approval.

Trying to lose weight? Here are five mistakes you're making

Looking to get fit for summer? Discover 5 common weight loss mistakes that are easy to avoid.


Israelis struggle with weight gain in the shadow of war

During the Israel-Hamas War, many Israelis find themselves struggling with weight gain, their worries over the scale not as much of a priority as their worries about family.

Impact of war: Half of public gained weight - free training suggestions

5 months to the war: A new survey conducted this week shows: About half of Israelis have gained up to 5 kg in weight, 1 out of every 7 residents in the north and south has gained more than 5 kg.


Being content with myself was not an option, but it should be

So, excuse me for being cheesy, but I think that I am a heroine, for making myself from my hater to a lover.

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