Peoples live by God’s morality – politicians live by “discrimination” morality

Every people – be it Jewish, Christian, Islamic, Native Indian or African with all its diverse communities – is united by own unique moral code of behavior, which defines Good and Bad and acceptable means to enhance Good and suppress Bad.

Every people defends its unique moral code of behavior from the influence of other peoples’ unique moral codes of behavior. That is not the hate of others – that is the love of your own, and that is consistent with the Jewish Torah/Bible-guided morality. Hillel: If I am not for myself, who will be for me?

Every people may sincerely believe its moral code of behavior is the best for the others and may try to convert the others to its own code. If this process is mostly peaceful (with a relatively minimal violence) and the others accept the “conversion”, that is as supposed to be by the “God’s design”. That was the case with the Jewish people who began the process of pagan-morality’s transformation to the Torah-inspired Christian morality or the case with the Christian people who converted many pagans to Christian morality.

There is no hate in this conversion-transformation – finally, Judeo-Christian moral code of behavior with its multiple variations has become the guideline for many peoples.

In the US, the founders of this country and their spiritual heirs created the unique Judeo-Christian moral code of behavior, which defines the way of American life. Within the boundaries of this moral code, Jews and Christians created many diverse communities (religious/ideological streams) competing with each other with their ideas for a better world for everybody.

This competition was positive and creative since all diverse communities judged everything with the same moral ground rules – individual freedoms, free market, personal responsibility, family values and communal charity. Everybody in America - everybody of different races, religions, genders, ages, ethnicity, geographic locations, etc. – who respects and follows these rules is considered equal and there is no discrimination movements against this person (racism, homophobia, gender and age and religious discrimination, etc.). However, when some individuals begin violating the founding moral ground rules the society dislikes and restrains them. That is not discrimination against them – that is the defense of our own moral ground rules.

Our politicians invented the discrimination concepts to advance their political goals.

Politicians live by discrimination concepts, which split a people into hostile groups in such a way that the “discriminated” groups become the politicians’ winning electorate.

Of course, some White Americans dislike some Black Americans. However, that is not racism. Some White Americans dislike not the Black race; they dislike the dereliction of personal responsibility and family values and most importantly, the legislative moves to make it a sort of a moral norm in the country.

Of course, some White and Black Americans dislike gays and lesbians. However, that is not homophobia. Some White and Black Americans dislike not the humans with such sexual impulses with which gays and lesbians are born; they dislike the political moves to redefine the traditional Judeo-Christian family structure.

Of course, some Americans dislike Muslims. However, that is not Islamophobia. Some Americans do not dislike Muslim human being; they dislike Muslims as the adversaries of individual freedoms ready to murder those who do not want to become the slaves of their God. 

Of course, an average female makes less money than an average male. However, that is not discrimination against women. They are making less money since many of them prefer traditional women’s professions, which are being rewarded less financially – being rewarded less not by “discriminative men” but by the free-market rules. Most Americans agree with it since they prefer free market to government-regulated economy.

Of course, many Americans do not like their money being spent by the government to support a gigantic welfare system. However, that is not discrimination against the poor and less able. Americans prefer helping poor and less able people through private local charities of the “caring neighbors” instead of the government welfare system being designed for helping politicians.

Thus, in the real Judeo-Christian America there is no discrimination of any kind – there is an overwhelming desire to defend and enhance the founding moral code of behavior that is the traditional American way of life, which is based on individual freedoms, free market, personal responsibility, family values and communal charity.

The discrimination concept is an invention of our politicians who are trying to become the spiritual and economic god-like power. They are trying to replace the individual freedoms by their own freedom to regulate our individual lives. They are trying to transform the personal responsibility in managing your life into the personal responsibility to follow government orders. They are trying to change the traditional family values to expand their electorate by people of non-Judeo-Christian morality. They are trying to substitute the communal charity by the government welfare system for the same goal – to expand their electorate by people who prefer “government goodies”.

There is no discrimination of any kind in our country – there is the Torah/Bible-guided resistance to any attempts to change our founding Judeo-Christian morality.