A-G OKs advancing minimum wage legislation

Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein on Tuesday said that legislation to raise the minimum wage from NIS 4,300 a month to NIS 5,000 over two years could move forward, even during the pre-election season.
The decision is a turnaround from late December, when Weinstein raised objections to advancing legislation in the run-up to March 17 elections, particularly provisions that would affect wages in the long-term.
In the weeks before the governing coalition collapsed in early December, the Histadrut Labor Federation negotiated a minimum wage hike withe private and public sector leaders under threat of a general strike.
As the political situation in the government fell apart, the group inked a deal with business leaders, leaving aside issues of public sector workers. Several weeks later, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he would advance the increase for the public sector as well.