Anti-primary rant causes rift in National Union

Although the National Union plans to run on a united list with Habayit Hayehudi in the next Knesset elections, the MKs currently within the party’s ranks are unable to agree on how the candidates on that list should be chosen.
National Union chairman MK Ya’acov Katz published an article about the evils of the primary system on Friday in Besheva, a national-religious weekly magazine identified with the settler camp, which he founded in 2002.
Meanwhile, Arye Eldad, the only MK in the faction that does not identify as Orthodox, told The Jerusalem Post that Katz’s position is “very strange, to say the least,” while Moledet chairman Uri Bank said that his party will not run in the next elections
At the beginning of his article, Katz described the agreement between him and Habayit Hayehudi chairman Science and Technology Minister Daniel Herschkowitz, that the joint list will switch off between representatives of each party. According to Katz, the reasoning behind this decision is that the different parts of the national-religious community are different, and it would be wrong to “artificially fuse” them.