BIRD okays funding for 14 energy, medical, water project

The Israel-United States Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation (BIRD) determined at a board meeting earlier in June to provide $10.95 million worth of funding for 14 new projects between American and Israeli companies, the organization announced on Monday. In addition to receiving BIRD funding, the companies will also be receiving support from the private sector, bringing their total financing to $33 million.
Among the approved partnerships are several in  energy and water: a leakage cure system for urban water pipes, commercialization for diesel and methanol hybrid fuels and a low flow water detection system, according to BIRD. In the medical sector, some of the projects include asymmetric laser tool development for surgery, improved threshold indicators for monitoring quality in pharmaceutical products, non-invasive brain surgery for movement disorders, an aesthetic medical product using thermal technology and a molecular imaging system for melanoma detection. Other projects involve cyber security, electronic verification, refrigeration and enzyme technologies.