'Camp Sucker' to protest for universal IDF service

Nearly six months after they first set up a faux military base camp at Tel Aviv’s Arlozorov train station in a call for universal service for all Israelis, the "Camp Sucker" movement is gearing up for a mass protest on Saturday night they hope will bring thousands out onto the streets of Tel Aviv, to demand equality in the shouldering of the national burden.
The protest, which will be held at 8:30 PM at the Tel Aviv Museum Plaza, is being headlined "Order 8 - We will stop being suckers!!” a reference to the “Tzav 8” letters that arrive at Israeli homes to inform of upcoming reserve service.
Organizers said on their Facebook page "we are citizens who live here, work, pay taxes serve in the army and national service, contribute to the state, feel like we are a part of the state... we are calling for mandatory service for everyone from age 18, without discrimination or dirty tricks. Service for everyone!!”
At least a dozen different organizations are taking part in the protest including the National Union of Israeli Students, and several groups devoted to freedom of religion, and helping reservists and discharged soldiers. They will also be joined by the right-of center extra-parliamentary group “Im Tirtzu”.