E. J'lem students sang anti-Israel songs, PMW says

Arab students in the east Jerusalem neighborhood that is home to one of the men arrested for planning a rocket attack on Teddy Stadium were recently broadcast on Al-Aqsa TV singing anti-Israel songs, Palestinian Media Watch reported.
The students, from the Islamic Riyad (Gardens of) Al-Aqsa Schools in Sur Baher, located between Talpiyot and Ramat Rahel, were taped singing songs with lyrics like "How precious is the land of Al-Aqsa / I shall give up my life for its sake," and "May the glory of the religion (Islam) return, and may our blood be shed."
In one segment, children around ten years old are holding up rocks and empty bullets and flashing the "V" for victory sign.
According to PMW, the segment was broadcast on Al-Aqsa TV, the official Hamas station, on December 10, 2010.
Four Arab residents of east Jerusalem have been arrested so far in connection with a plot to shoot rockets at Teddy Stadium during a soccer game.