EJC: Europe shouldn't have endorsed Goldstone report

The European Jewish Congress (EJC) on Wednesday expressed disappointment that the European Parliament passed a resolution endorsing the Goldstone Report.
Dr. Moshe Kantor, President of the European Jewish Congress, led the lobbying efforts in the European Parliament and told the parliament group leaders and MEP’s that the endorsement of the Goldstone Report would be a blow for the peace process which is only now resuming, through American proximity talks.
“We made it abundantly clear to those MEP’s which we contacted that this resolution was against the overall objectives of Europe’s role in the Middle East, and we are disappointed to hear that the resolution will not pass” Kantor said.
“The first line of the resolution emphasized the importance of achieving a just and lasting peace in the Middle East, but the resolution will have achieved the exact opposite. Furthermore, it could damage the possibility of the European Union taking an active part in achieving that goal.”