Edelstein: Olmert gov't to blame for mishandling of evacuees

Edelstein Olmert govt

Following the publication of a report by the State Commission of Inquiry into the Handling by the Authorized Authorities of the Evacuees from Gush Katif and Northern Samaria on Tuesday, Diaspora Affairs Minister Yuli Edelstein indirectly blasted former prime minister Olmert and those in his cabinet when he implemented the disengagement, saying that the findings of the commission "completely exposed" the previous government. "The leaders who tried to convince the people through a campaign of lies stating that there would be a solution for each resident, was totally exposed," he said. "The report proved that the Kadima government was built on the backs of the evacuees, and that they never learned while in office to provide even basic solutions." "It's [Kadima's] obligation to conduct a profound self-examination," Edelstein continued, adding that "the current government has the responsibility to bring an end to the suffering of the evacuees."