Former President Navon defends Peres over Iran statement

Former President Yitzhak Navon on Saturday defended President Shimon Peres for intimating that Israel could not strike Iran alone.
“It is clear to Peres, as it was clear to me, that it is not his job to intervene in government decisions, but there are situations in which it is necessary to say what you believe – even if you are president,” Navon stated.
The fifth president recounted that during his tenure in the early 1980s, he voiced his opposition to government policies “when I felt it was my responsibility as a human, like in the case of Sabra and Shatila, in which I publicly called for an inquiry led by a judge, against prime minister Menachem Begin’s wishes.”
According to Navon, Peres must have felt that this is a “fateful time” and that he must have an influence on events.