HJC orders state to demolish homes in 3 outposts

The High Court of Justice on Monday ordered the state to demolish within six months homes on private Palestinian property in three outposts, Givat Assaf, Mizpe Yitzhar and Ma'aleh Rehavam.
It rendered its decision with respect to a 2007 Peace Now petition against six outposts, of which only one, Givat Assaf was totally built on private Palestinian property.
Givat Assaf residents have since purchased a number of lots in their outpost and homes on those lots are not slated for demolition.
In the same decision the HJC ordered the state to show progress toward legalizing homes on state and survey property in the five other outposts in the petition, which also includes  Mitzpe Lachish, Ramat Gilad and HaRoeh.
It chastised the state for dragging its feet with respect to these outposts, against whom injunctions were first issued in 2004 and ordered to pay Peace Now NIS 25,000.