Herzog demands public apology from US Ambassador

MK Isaac Herzog (Labor) said on Wednesday that he demanded a public apology from US Ambassador James Cunningham for allegedly writing in a US diplomatic cable that Herzog called then-defense minister Amir Peretz "inexperienced, aggressive and Moroccan."
Speaking at a memorial service for his father, president Haim Herzog, Herzog said that the cable, leaked by WikiLeaks, is a "twisted distortion of my words. I spoke to US Ambassador to Israel, James Cunningham, and I officially protested that an American diplomat would dare to credit me with words I never said. I demand a public apology; I was educated to be a Zionist and love my fellow man and no one can say I said such twisted and baseless words."
US Embassy Spokesman Kurt Hoyer said: "We continue to condemn condemn the Wikileaks process, and we will not comment on specific allegedly leaked documents. This reckless release of what may or may not be accurate information endangers lives in some cases, let alone careers and happiness."