Jewish German jumper's 1936 high jump record restored

Jewish German jumpers 1

After Gretel Bergmann matched a German 5 feet, 3 inch high jump record in Nazi Germany in 1936, her achievement was scrapped and she was kicked off the team. Bergmann was Jewish. She would miss that year's Berlin Olympics. There was no way the Nazis would allow a Jew to compete and possibly win. She said the Nazis forced her to jump for Germany, threatening her family even though she figured they would never let her partake in the Olympics. It was a political stunt meant to appease the Americans. Now comes news that Germany's track and field association restored the mark. It was a pleasant surprise for the 95-year-old Bergmann - a victory for the strong-willed woman who later changed her name to Margaret Lambert after immigrating to the United States in 1937.