Kadima rebel to propose bills via Labor

Labor will allow rebel Kadima MK Robert Tibayev submit bills under their allotment, after he was punished on Wednesday by his party for voting against the coalition.
Labor faction leader Isaac Herzog said on Thursday that Tibayev may bring bills to a vote under the largest opposition party's legislative allotment. Each faction in the Knesset is allowed to submit a certain amount of bills, depending on the party's size.
"We will talk to other opposition factions in order to help every MK that refuses to surrender to the caprices and authority of the destructive coalition," Herzog said.
Tibayev was punished by Kadima leader Shaul Mofaz after repeatedly breaking coalition discipline. The Kadima MK is forbidden from submitting bills via his party for a month, and may not attend Knesset committee discussions.
On Wednesday, Tibayev voted in favor of a bill by MK Amir Peretz (Labor) granting minimum wage to IDF soldiers.