Livni labels PM as leader of 'union of refusers'

Tzip Livni on Sunday called Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu the leader of the refusers, criticizing him for not negotiating with the Palestinian Authority.
"Netanyahu is leading the union of the refusers: refusers of service, refusers of order and refusers of negotiations," The Tzipi Livni Party chairwoman said, refering to Bayit Hayehudi head Naftali Bennett's controversial remarks on Thursday on order refusal in the IDF in cases of settlement evacuation.
"The combination of Netanyahu, Bennett and his haredi associates creates this union of refusers. In Israel, there is a struggle over the source of authority of our lives here - there is a group that thinks it's the halacha and rabbis, and not the law and judges," she said. "We cannot accept this situation and we must form a union against this union of refusers," she added.