NGOs: IDF entering Egypt to stop entry of asylum seekers

Israel Defense Forces soldiers are entering Egyptian territory in order to detain asylum seekers and turn them over to Egyptian authorities before they enter Israel, according to a report released on Friday.
In a press release sent out on Friday, Israeli NGOs including Amnesty International Israel, the Hotline for Migrant Workers, Assaf, Physicians for Human Rights, the Hotline for Migrant Workers, and the Association for Civil Rights in Israel say they have received reports from an Israeli reserve soldier as well as asylum seekers in Israel that say that IDF soldiers "are entering Egypt, detaining individuals as they make their way to seek asylum in Israel, and then handing them over to the Egyptian security forces.”
The statement included an affidavit presented by Attorney Anat Ben-Dor, in which the IDF reservist said that in June 2012 he was taken to a briefing given by reservist soldiers who served at the border site before him, who told him of a new procedure to stop “infiltrators” by stationing soldiers hundreds of meters inside Egypt in order to stop them before they arrive at the border.