New heads of Home Front, Central Commands take up positions

The new head of IDF Home Front Command, Maj.-Gen. Yoel Strick, took up his position on Monday during a ceremony at IDF headquarters in Tel Aviv. He replaces Maj.-Gen. Eyal Eizenberg, who completed a four year term as Home Front Commander.
Additionally, Maj.-Gen. Roni Numa took up his position as the new head of IDF Central Command, replacing Maj.-Gen. Nitzan Alon, who will become the new head of the  Operations Branch.
During his speech, Strick warned that the Israeli home front will form a second - and perhaps even the main - front in any future war scenario. "While victory will be achieved at the front, the morale of civilians and their steadfastness as a significant component in national strength during wartime, and fostering it while preparing for wartime, have and continue to be the main effort of the Home Front Command," he said.
Alon said during his speech that the Central Command has made many efforts in recent years to "prevent regional tensions from undermining stability on the ground. My sense is that this is getting harder and more complicated, and therefore, some of the effort in the recent period has gone to safeguarding stability and readiness for an escalation that could arrive."