Palestinians divided over exhuming Arafat

Ramallah - Palestinians express a wide spectrum of opinions on the latest investigative report of the Qatari-based Al-Jazeera channel that suggested late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat was poisoned by the radioactive element polonium-210.
The past 8 years failed to reveal the cause behind his mysterious death, although Palestinians haven’t really excluded a conspiracy theory. They believe that Arafat was killed as a result of a poison but that they lacked the proper evidence.
Most of those who were interviewed by The Jerusalem Post in the main streets of Ramallah pointed their finger to Israel. They base their accusation on the fact that Israel considered Arafat a main obstacle to peace in the Middle East.They think Ex-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon gave the order to kill Arafat after the collapse of Camp David negotiations in summer 2000, which he blamed on the late Palestinian leader.