Poll: Romney likeability improves in post-convention boost

WASHINGTON - Mitt Romney emerged from the Republican convention with an overall improvement in his image among voters but no significant change in the number who say they will vote for him, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Friday.
Republicans nominated Romney on Thursday after three days of testimonials from friends, relatives and supporters, many aimed at showing the candidate in a more informal light. Romney has struggled to shake off perceptions of being stiff and aloof.
The four-day rolling poll has Democratic US President Barack Obama still leading Romney in general favorability, 52 percent to 50 percent.
But the poll showed Romney steadily improving in likeability and other positive-image features.
Thirty-one percent of the registered voters responding to the survey found Romney "likeable" in Friday's poll, up from Monday's 26 percent. Obama enjoys a 48 percent likeability rating.