S.D.s daughter at funeral: They drank your blood

The daughter of the state's main witness in the Holyland trial, who died on Friday, against former prime minister Ehud Olmert and 15 other defendants, eulogized her father and attacked the defendants and their attorneys at his funeral on Sunday saying, "Everyone was busy with destroying your good name. They drank your blood and shortened your life."
"Everyone forgot you and ran away from you because you had no more to give. Because they could not extort you anymore," she added.
S.D., as the main witness is referred to under a gag order which so far still applies even after his death, died in his mid-70s after multiple hospitalizations and an extended history of poor health.
Although there has been speculation, the exact cause of death has not been announced, although all of the speculation has involved natural causes, and not suicide nor any other nefarious scenarios.