Steinitz: Incitement part of Palestinian culture, not just extremists

Palestinian incitement is ruining the chances of ending the conflict, Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz said in the Knesset Wednesday.
Steinitz presented his ministry's report on incitement to the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.
"Incitement is a serious obstacle to peace," he stated. "The Palestinian Authority is aware of the inciting messages in its official educational institutions."
Steinitz and Strategic Affairs Ministry Director-General Yossi Kuperwasser reviewed the report with the committee, giving dozens of examples from Palestinian curricula, television programs and official PA websites to show the level of incitement.
"We did a thorough search of every Palestinian curriculum and television program, and we didn't find even one opposing example, in support of peace," Steinitz stated.
According to Steinitz, "incitement is a widespread phenomenon that is an inseparable part of the Palestinian culture and is not just among lone extremists."