UK's Miliband calls for scrapping of media watchdog

LONDON - Opposition leader Ed Miliband dismissed Britain's press watchdog as a "toothless poodle" on Friday, and said the closure of the News of the World should not let Rupert Murdoch's most senior newspaper executive off the hook.
Speaking a day after Murdoch's News Corp shut down the News of the World tabloid at the heart of a phone hacking scandal, Miliband said Rebekah Brooks, the newspaper's former editor and now chief executive of the group's British newspapers, should also pay the price.
"I've made no secret of my view that Rebekah Brooks should take responsibility for what happened while she was editor of The News of The World," Miliband told an audience at a Thomson Reuters event.
"She was the editor at the time, she should take responsibility for that and I don't think frankly closing down the News of the World changes that."