US flies aid to Tunisia, plans refugee airlift

WASHINGTON - The US military was flying aid supplies to Tunisia on Friday and will return there on Saturday to evacuate refugees who fled violence in neighboring Libya, the Pentagon said.
Colonel David Lapan, a Pentagon spokesman, said two C-130 transport planes were bringing 4,000 blankets, 40 rolls of plastic sheeting and almost 10,000 water containers from US facilities in Europe to the Tunisian city of Djerba.
Many foreign nationals have already been evacuated from Libya, where Muammar Gaddafi's forces are battling rebels on several fronts and unrest has erupted in the capital Tripoli.
An organized international airlift has started to help some of the tens of thousands of foreign workers who have fled into Tunisia.
Lapan said the US aircraft left a US air base in Germany before picking up supplies from a US Agency for International Development warehouse in Italy.