Village for children at risk wins education prize

The Jewish Agency for Israel-run Ramat Hadassah Szold Youth village, which takes in children and youth at risk, has been shortlisted for an education prize after a larger than average percentage of pupils attained full eligibility for their matriculation exams.
Most of those living and studying at the youth village, which was founded in 1949 by Henrietta Szold and the Hadassah Women’s Zionist Organization, arrive there at with an educational gap of between three and five years compared to their peers. The children are deemed at risk for a variety of reasons ranging from their family environment, economic problems and learning difficulties.
The prize, which will be bestowed at a special ceremony on Thursday, highlights the student’s educational achievements last year where 56 percent of them were able to sit the full set of matriculation exams and some 90% will be drafted into the army.